The Natural Choice: Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation

Considering undergoing breast augmentation surgery, but wondering if you’re the right candidate for a successful fat transfer to breast rather than electing to undergo traditional breast augmentation surgery with silicone or saline implants?  Read on to learn more.

Breast augmentation surgery, also referred to colloquially as “boob job,” is a big beauty business with over 300,000 surgeries performed yearly in the U. S. alone, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. The most common types of breast augmentation surgeries include the implantation of a silicone or saline device, often accompanied by a lift to give a more aesthetically appealing contour and feminine-looking shape to the patient’s upper silhouette. While breast augmentation with fat transfer touts a fairly high success rate of about 50-70% following the first six months of surgery, there is always the possibility of the body re-absorbing a portion of the fat that was transferred, requiring a revision surgery down the line to recover those sought-after, enhanced effects. However, more and more women are opting to go au naturel in their quest to increase their bustline.

How Does Fat Transfer to Breast Augmentation Work?

Prior to undergoing the fat transfer to breast augmentation procedure, different areas of the patient’s body will be assessed to determine where the fat will be transferred from.  Every patient is unique with unique proportions, therefore there is never a one-size-fits-all blueprint to determine where and how much fat can be extracted.  Fat is usually taken from the abdomen, hips, back, backs of thighs, or back. Once this is determined, the following proceeds:

  • Fat is surgically removed through a power-assisted liposuction technique.
  • The extracted fat is placed in a “closed loop” system where it is strategically treated with antibiotic therapies before being re-injected into the breast site. This ensures a lessened risk of infection, as well as an increased success rate and desirable results.
  • The area(s) where the fat was extracted is sculpted, smoothed, and contoured for a seamless, aesthetic appearance.
  • The freshly sterilized fat is then re-inserted into the breast area where it is molded and contoured to conform to a sculpted, natural-looking, full, and voluminous appearance.

Am I a Good Candidate for Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation?

While a fat transfer to breast augmentation is currently one of the most highly requested and preferred forms of breast augmentation, not everyone is a viable candidate.  If your doctor determines there simply is not enough fat that can be extracted from other areas of your body collectively to achieve the results you’re after, traditional breast augmentation with implants will most likely be recommended.

Benefits of Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Surgery

For the right candidate, breast augmentation with fat transfer offers a bevy of body-bettering benefits, including:

  • Natural look and feel
  • Virtually 0% chance of risk of infection/rejection from the body
  • Eliminates risk of developing Breast Implant Illness (BII) overtime, since the patient’s own fat is used to increase breast volume
  • Can also be used in conjunction with traditional breast implant surgery or breast reconstruction surgery, or as part of a custom-tailored procedure
  • Smooths unsightly contours left by traditional, synthetic implants, as well as addressing asymmetries and other cosmetic disparities
  • High success rate of 50-70% in first 6 months
  • Quicker recovery periods and less downtime due to optimized, minimally invasive nature of the procedure
  • Minimized incisions and scarring

Getting Real About Keeping Them “Real”

Fat retention rate following fat transfer to breast surgery has an impressive 50-70% success rate when performed strategically, though there is invariably a chance of re-absorption by the body.  Once the patient has reached the six-month, post-op mark with full fat retention, maintaining a stable, healthy weight will deter the diminishment of fat in their newly enhanced breasts. It’s important to bear in mind that the first six months are vital in determining how the transferred fat will stay put. If a patient can successfully experience a 50-70% retention rate in the first six months, they’re most likely to retain their desired results long-term.

Conclusion and Next Steps

If you think you may be a good candidate for fat transfer to breast augmentation surgery and would like to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Daniel Barrett, we invite you to call our office to speak with any one of our highly specialized staff members. A leader in the field, Dr. Barrett serves the Los Angles area and beyond. Breast augmentation surgery with fat transfer is one of the latest, cutting-edge, surgical advancements in breast augmentation surgery. Undergoing a complete, comprehensive health evaluation, as well as candidly discussing your beauty and body goals will not only ensure you are able to make informed decisions about your cosmetic concerns but will ensure the most desired outcomes.

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Jan, 17, 2023